My new book of short stories is now available for pre-order directly from the publisher. To be totally candid, publishers and artists, sadly, don’t see much return, if anything, from books sold on Amazon. Buying direct from the publisher is the best way to support the future of quality book publishing. The team at Los Angeles-based Hat and Beard Press, along with illustrator Dan Grzeca, and myself, have poured our absolute hearts out into this project.  There are 20 beautiful illustrations to go with each story. Click here to pre-order Dark Black.

The release date is June 30. And, as an added bonus—ALL copies pre-ordered through the Hat & Beard web site will be personally signed and dated by me and artist extraordinaire, Dan Grzeca. You’ll likely get an individual, one-of-a-kind doodle by me as well.

Finally, I thought I would share with you the front and back cover.

Much more news on Dark Black, and the book tour, coming very soon. Thank you for all of your support!

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My debut short story collection, Dark Black, will be released April 21, 2020 by Los Angeles-based Hat & Beard Press. I’m honored that it will be the first book in H & B’s new literary fiction imprint.

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As of now, the book has 20 stories in it, including a few you may be familiar with like, “The Girl in the Funeral Parlor,” “Conjuring Danny Squires,” “Live Forever!” and several others that have been published in lit journals and anthologies. But there are also many new stories that I am so excited to share with you all. This book is Gothic pop-cultural horror. That’s the best way I can sum it up.

Finally, it was essential to me to include illustrations in the book. My mentor, Ray Bradbury, bucked publishing trends throughout his career by including beautiful illustrations by his brilliant, longtime collaborator Joseph Mugnaini. Publishers often don’t see the need for this extra step, but Ray did. And I do too. The world is increasingly populated with visual learners. Art adds that next level of quality and evocation to a book. I am honored to be working with illustrator and printmaker, Dan Grzeca, well-known for his rock music prints for artists such as the Black Keys, Sharon van Etten, U2 and others. Here, I share the cover image for my next book, Dark Black.
